Category On the road
Grup Moto

Our rules for the safe ride of a motorcycle group.

1. Prepare before departure!

Ideally, each motorcycle starts with a full tank, each motorcyclist has a phone available and at least one person in the group has a first aid kit and a small tool kit.

2. Do not go on tour without having a short meeting first!

Set aside a few minutes before your tour to decide the route, the breaks and to plan your day effectively.

3. Establish distinctive signs!

During the preliminary meeting, decide what the signs will be for emergency stops, slowing down, overtaking or other manoeuvres.

4. Establish a group leader!

We recommend that the most experienced motorcyclist should lead the column, and the least experienced should occupy the second position.

5. Plan ahead the shape of the group on the road!

The group should have a compact shape, but there should also be enough space between the motorcyclists. If the first motorcyclist moves close to the axis of the road, the next one will occupy a position further to the right, and so on until the end of the column.
If we are traveling on a winding road or with poor visibility, Moto-Moto recommends a formation on a single line, but with the appropriate distance between motorcyclists.

6. Form groups of maximum 8 motorcyclists!

Moto-Moto recommends groups of maximum 8 motorcyclists. If you have to exceed this number, form another group.

7. Be aware of the one behind you!

Each rider should periodically check in the rear-view mirror the condition of the one behind and, if possible, the position of the leader.

8. Prepare a plan in case a rider falls behind!

At the preliminary meeting, establish the scenario in which a motorcyclist is left behind. One option would be for the group to slow down and allow the one left behind to re-join the group.

9. Determine what to do if a motorcyclist leaves the group!

If a motorcyclist leaves the group, the form of the formation is preserved, the one behind taking over the available position.

10. Allocate enough breaks!

To reduce the risk of fatigue and maximize the Moto-Moto experience, we recommend frequent hydration and meal breaks.

The most important thing is to ride safely, with consideration for each other, in order to have a pleasant experience.

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